We've been running for mom since 1997 so Yukoners have the care and support they need right here at home.
“We are fortunate to live in a special place with people who give generously and are incredible about ensuring Yukoners have the best breast health care and support.”
In October 1997, Tamara Goeppel and Donna Jones organized the inaugural CIBC Run for the Cure – the first breast cancer run in our territory.
The event was incredibly successful, raising more than $40,000 and rallying the community behind this important cause. Because Run for the Cure is a national event that raises money for research – all but $18,000 of the dollars raised left the Yukon.
These funds were the first of several contributions towards a new mammography machine for the Whitehorse General Hospital. This technology provides important breast cancer screening and diagnostic services for women across the territory.
The community’s strong support and desire to keep funds within the Yukon meant the time was right to keep the run right here at home.
Tamara, Donna and an organizing committee made up of community members and hospital staff, launched the very first Yukon Run for Mom to raise money for breast health. Since that time, Tamara and Donna have moved on, but their legacy continues to this day. The torch was passed to Val Pike, who has been the driving force behind Run for Mom since 2000.
About 1,000 runners, walkers and cyclists take part each year
In past years, run clinics have been held in advance of the event to get the community excited and ready to run.
A week after the 2010 event, Peyton, Ryder and Emery Twardochleb decided to do what they could to help. They sold lemonade and cookies to their friends, neighbours and family in Copper Ridge with all proceeds donated to the run.
For several years, Ann Asquith and her daughter Sarah, owners of The Studio in Granger, donated proceeds from an arts/crafts fair and offered a special discount on merchandise for patrons who wore a Run for Mom shirt into the store.
Staff and students at Christ the King Elementary and Grey Mountain Primary School support Run for Mom each year, holding pizza lunches and organizing mini-walks.
Run for Mom has spread across the Yukon and BC with events held in Atlin, Carmacks, Watson Lake and Haines Junction.